Men's Circle in The Hague
Experience brotherhood; the importance of having inspiring, mature men around you. Men who dare to challenge you and are willing to help you move forward instead of helping you repeat old behaviors. Get clarity about what kind of man you want to be and receive honest feedback about it.
Because men are not women
I have to admit: it took a while with me. Understanding the importance of men's circles. Words like brotherhood made me bend my toes for a long time. I now know that those crooked toes have been in my way all these years.
I know where it came from. It was a reaction to an earlier phase of my life where I den had a lot of contact with other men, but only maintained it in a destructive way. Booze, drugs, too loud, too fast and too much. Because I no longer wanted to feed that destructive version of myself, I had begun to look negatively at everything I thought was "typically masculine."
Not a good idea because in doing so I also pushed my own manhood into the background.
Now I can say: men's circles are important. For men as well as the women these men are connected to.
The importance of a place where you can share openly as a man. Where you don't have to be strong or wise to have that expected of you. Where you are listened to, where you can get feedback, without judgment. A place of recognition.
For me, it is also a place where we can honor the differences between men and women. Your female partner is not your therapist, she is not the right person to heal your wounds. You have to do that with other men.
The power of a men's circle
The goal is to support each other in getting clear and pursuing our life goals and removing the blockages that stand in our way. We encourage each other to get a life mission clear. Having a life mission is the most important responsibility of every man. Only then can we be of service to ourselves, our neighbors and the world. Only in this way can we experience fulfillment and meaning.
We do this by creating a safe environment for each other in this circle. in which we can be open, honest and authentic. We challenge each other to take responsibility for our own lives and stay away from the victim role. Men's circles are a proven way to grow personal leadership in every man.
This Men's Circle is for you if you:
Notice that you can get irritated with your loved ones regularly and are ready to take that out on yourself.
You can get bogged down in arguments with your female partner. Where you really don't understand each other.
You find yourself putting off really important things unnecessarily.
If the love between you and your partner is not flowing.
You feel a need for deeper connection with other men (but don't know how).
Get bent toes at the thought of men's circles and men's work.
What to expect:
The men's group meets on Friday evenings from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
We meet in my space in the Vogelwijk in The Hague, within walking distance of forest, dunes, beach and sea. Depending on weather conditions we will sometimes meet in dunes or on the beach. .
We start with an active movement exercise, breathing exercise or perhaps an ice bath. Through this you become aware of your present experience so you automatically arrive in the here and now.
I will possibly bring in a theme, something that is active for me at that time.
We will let the evening unfold. Sharings ( will be central.
We conclude by exchanging some more.
Duration: 2.5 hours
Location: Koekoeklaan 14, 2566JS, The Hague
Price: €30
Date: Objective is to meet once a month on Friday evenings. Click the button below to get yourself on the list with no obligation. You will then receive a notification for the next date.
Agreements for participation in the circle:
We commit ourselves to secrecy: what happens in the circle stays in the circle.
When we speak, parts speak in the "I" form.
We respect each man's sharing by refraining from giving advice, knowing that each man is in his or her own process and unique journey. (We are not here to fix each other!)
We recognize that a sharing circle is not a dialogue, debate or discussion. If we feel the need to make a point then that is fine but need not be done.
We bring as much presence as possible into every moment of the group. We come with a willingness to see with new eyes and hear with new ears.
We listen fully when others share.
We let each man take his own unique journey and thereby accept our differences, letting go of our personal views that might cause separation with another.
We take responsibility for our reactions, our responses and our experiences.
We come as we are, without the use of alcohol, drugs or other substances that alter our state of being.
Offerings for men
Men's Circle
A loose Friday night
Experience brotherhood; the importance of having inspiring, mature men around you. Men who dare to challenge you and are willing to help you move forward instead of helping you repeat old behaviors. Get clarity on what kind of man you want to be and receive honest feedback about it. From 18:00 to 21:30 in The Hague
Men's training
9-week trajectory
Sign up for this great adventure for men. Be inspired with a small group of like-minded people and really learn something new. In a safe setting. Respectful and vulnerable at the same time. Sitting around the fire. Sharing yourself. Taking an ice bath. Microdosing. Lots of breathwork and good music.
1:1 Mentoring
Personally tailored
Instead of endless talking or floating, I take you on an adventure. A powerful journey with all the tools that have been important to me in finding my place in the world. A place from which you can feel yourself, with enough peace, presence and an Intuition you dare to trust.
No it doesn't matter. This circle is public. Anyone who can commit to the agreements is welcome and can think about joining each time (as long as there is room)
Absolutely! Any man is welcome, regardless of age, ethnicity, beliefs, religion, orientation, or any label. The only expectations are that you are sincere, have the intention to bring yourself in, and respect the confidential nature of the circle.
No, a men's circle is not a support group like a therapy session with a psychologist or psychiatrist. It is not intended to provide coaching or therapy. However, in the men's circle you can ask other men how they deal with situations that are currently troubling you, and thus learn from and support each other.
The group dynamics in a men-only circle are different than in a mixed circle (with men and women). In everyday life, a man rarely gets the chance to be exclusively in a group with other men.
The strength of The Men's Circle lies in its no-nonsense approach. No superficial talk, no nonsense, but pure, sincere conversations. What this will bring you is unique to each man, but you can be confident that you will get exactly what you need at that moment.